It’s a Little Bit Late To Wish You a Happy New Year

But I’m going to do it anyways.

Happy new year to all of you. I tried to make some posts about 2015, why it was going to be a great year… About 2014, why it was a great year. But, for different reasons I ended up not doing it.

The point is i’m here now. And I do believe in “Better late than never” . When the clock stroke 12, I had a feeling this was going to be the best year ever, but as recent evens occurred to me, that feeling was slightly changing.

It isn’t anymore. I founded my way back… The thing is, things never go as we planned them. But we need to understand thats not a bad thing! Nothing ever happens randomly, and sometimes is really hard to move on, it’s really hard to let go and it’s especially really hard to forgive. But those are the greatest lessons life can teach us! So after a while of sobbing and asking why certain things happened to me, I now acknowledge it is for the greater good. I’m much more in touch with myself, I’m happy and it’s the start of many good things.

I hope this is a great year, for all of us!

Now, I want to leave you sharing this thought I came out with recently:

“What we need to understand is we don’t have to worry. Soon enough feelings will become thoughts, thoughts will become memories. This whole situation will become just another experience. And suffering will become knowledge.” KAT.

It’s a Little Bit Late To Wish You a Happy New Year

It’s fine, cause i’m learning…

Today I was at a bar in this gig, I was wearing a Jack Daniel’s t-shirt and an Arctic Monkeys cap. I wasn’t so sure of wearing both, only because I thought it had already too much text. So I ran into this friend and he tells  “They don’t go together” and i’m like “Yeah, I know but…” then he clarifies “I meant, if you bought them together…” “No.”

What sort of deep message im trying to reflect with this tale about my night? It’s okay. I was worried that they wouldn’t match so at the first comment I was blabbering with excuses. I don’t want to be like that! I want to wear something and be sure of it. So as the band played and I was dancing to a song and thinking about it I realised this “It’s fine, cause i’m learning”

And it applies to more deep situations that wearing a cap that doesn’t match. My point is, it’s hard to be yourself, especially cause it’s also hard to discover who you are. That’s the only way to discover, failing, getting up, thinking it’s fine, learning. So I will make my mistakes and I will discover and be exactly who I am and who I want to be.

Hope you, dear reader, can do the same.

It’s fine, cause i’m learning…

The “MEH” Mood

Some days I just feel like “Meh”.

The “Meh” mood is this particular mood when you dislike everything. You feel tired, everything annoys you and you really don’t know why.  I think there’s nothing wrong to feel “meh” every once in a while. I imagine this feeling comes from all of the small things that bother us, they pile up and end accumulating and creating  the “meh”.

I love the word, I love how it sounds, how it expresses how I feel. “MEH MEH MEH”  It’s true sometimes we wish we could shut down everything and stay in dreamland, we want to stop the world for a while and we want to catch our breath. I really wish we could do this, but the world doesn’t stop, and neither do we.

Step one to survive the “meh” mood is to recognize you have it. So when you feel angry or annoyed or whatever you realize you’re just on that mood and you shouldn’t make a big deal of it.

Step two would be snapping out of it. Sleep. Read. Do whatever you enjoy to distract yourself and overcome the feeling. Me personally, will drink a big cup of black coffee, listen to Arctic Monkeys and read a good book.

Step Three: Breathe!  We always forget to breathe, and it’s so damn important. Inhale, feel the air filling up your lungs, forget about everything, then exhale in relief.

Well, some days this won’t even work, so we need to embrace the “meh” mood and know that tomorrow will be a new day, a better day.

I also want to share some of the things that I feel “meh” about:

MEH to hypocrites and fake friends, MEH to cowardice, MEH to braggers, MEH to being selfish, MEH and MEH to feel MEH.

Now you guys tell me what things make you MEH!


The “MEH” Mood

Bad situations into Opportunities

Whenever I feel sad I listen to IF I EVER FEEL BETTER (PHOENIX) over and over again. I sing it feeling every word and it helps. Every sentence of the song is true and gives you hope to go on.

Recently I’ve made some bad choices, therefore I paid the consequences but, instead of being sad and complain about it i’m being positive. I always try to get the most out of situations.

We should be thankful for the mistakes we make, because there are just opportunities to learn and to change. We, human beings, hate change. We hate it so much. We want everything to remain the same. Now, this is a huge paradox because everything always changes but at the sime time never does.  We always complain because people change, and we always complain because they never change. I don’t know how it works, I do know that old habits are hard to kill (but can be killed) and that whether we like it or not, changes are always for the best.

We might feel we are out of our confort zone and it is indeed a scary place, but we need to embrace the fall and learn all we can. Learn and apply it to our lives, because it’s useless if we know the info but never use it.

So I’m turning bad situations into opportunities, opportunities of learning, chances to  grow.  And I hope if you ever feel like the world is against you, try to embrace the situation and use it in your favor, and of course listen to the song.

If I ever feel better, remind me to spent some good time with you.


Bad situations into Opportunities