It’s a Little Bit Late To Wish You a Happy New Year

But I’m going to do it anyways.

Happy new year to all of you. I tried to make some posts about 2015, why it was going to be a great year… About 2014, why it was a great year. But, for different reasons I ended up not doing it.

The point is i’m here now. And I do believe in “Better late than never” . When the clock stroke 12, I had a feeling this was going to be the best year ever, but as recent evens occurred to me, that feeling was slightly changing.

It isn’t anymore. I founded my way back… The thing is, things never go as we planned them. But we need to understand thats not a bad thing! Nothing ever happens randomly, and sometimes is really hard to move on, it’s really hard to let go and it’s especially really hard to forgive. But those are the greatest lessons life can teach us! So after a while of sobbing and asking why certain things happened to me, I now acknowledge it is for the greater good. I’m much more in touch with myself, I’m happy and it’s the start of many good things.

I hope this is a great year, for all of us!

Now, I want to leave you sharing this thought I came out with recently:

“What we need to understand is we don’t have to worry. Soon enough feelings will become thoughts, thoughts will become memories. This whole situation will become just another experience. And suffering will become knowledge.” KAT.

It’s a Little Bit Late To Wish You a Happy New Year