The “MEH” Mood

Some days I just feel like “Meh”.

The “Meh” mood is this particular mood when you dislike everything. You feel tired, everything annoys you and you really don’t know why.  I think there’s nothing wrong to feel “meh” every once in a while. I imagine this feeling comes from all of the small things that bother us, they pile up and end accumulating and creating  the “meh”.

I love the word, I love how it sounds, how it expresses how I feel. “MEH MEH MEH”  It’s true sometimes we wish we could shut down everything and stay in dreamland, we want to stop the world for a while and we want to catch our breath. I really wish we could do this, but the world doesn’t stop, and neither do we.

Step one to survive the “meh” mood is to recognize you have it. So when you feel angry or annoyed or whatever you realize you’re just on that mood and you shouldn’t make a big deal of it.

Step two would be snapping out of it. Sleep. Read. Do whatever you enjoy to distract yourself and overcome the feeling. Me personally, will drink a big cup of black coffee, listen to Arctic Monkeys and read a good book.

Step Three: Breathe!  We always forget to breathe, and it’s so damn important. Inhale, feel the air filling up your lungs, forget about everything, then exhale in relief.

Well, some days this won’t even work, so we need to embrace the “meh” mood and know that tomorrow will be a new day, a better day.

I also want to share some of the things that I feel “meh” about:

MEH to hypocrites and fake friends, MEH to cowardice, MEH to braggers, MEH to being selfish, MEH and MEH to feel MEH.

Now you guys tell me what things make you MEH!


The “MEH” Mood